Capital Kids Registration

Capital Kids began registration on March 21st and has received over 750 registrations in the past 6 weeks. Tanglewood Park and Judge Park have received over 160 registrations each and the spots for session one and two are almost full at these two locations.  In order to boost the registration at Rivierain Park and Sheffield Glen Park, the Capital Kids tennis team has placed advertisements on Facebook and Kijiji, and sent flyers out to the neighbourhoods near these two locations through Canada Post. We've seen the registration go up in the last few days and we are expecting to receive more applications for all of our seven locations every day. The 750 registrations we've received are just for the May and June sessions. We will open the registration for July and August on May 15th.  We look forward to introducing the sport of tennis to many Ottawa kids this year and we are half way to achieving our goal - 1200 registrations in total to join the Capital Kids in 2015!  For more information please visit