Technology In Tennis Racquets

2015 has been a big year for technology in tennis, with some of the most ground breaking ideas coming to the forefront as actual technology. From ultra light materials to computer chips, many tennis brands are revolutionizing the way we look to take our game to the next level. To, start let’s look at the computer chip that everyone is talking about this year with the Babolat PLAY series. Though this line has been out on the market for the last two seasons, it is only this year that Babolat has expanded the chip to its entire line up. Prior to this year PLAY was only offered on one model, the Babolat Pure Drive. Now, what is it that PLAY actually does to improve our game? PLAY uses sensors placed throughout the racket that transmit information to the handle, where it is stored and is able to be brought up on either a tablet, phone or laptop screen. This data will give you feedback on every area of your game, from the amount of topspin you generate to the consistency you hit the sweet spot on your racquet. All of this data is brought up in an array of colorful graphs and pie charts. Babolat PLAY is a must try for tech lover wanting to step up their game.

Head, the company that supplies the worlds #1 player Novak Djokovic, hasn’t taken quite the same route when it comes to pushing the boundaries of technology in tennis.

U12 Competitive Interclub League

The U12 competitive interclub league party was held at the OAC on Saturday, April 11.  The winning team was Tennis Centre West Ottawa this season, as shown. To see the results please visit

There were 24 kids total from OAC, TCWO, Sportheque, and Carleton who attended the event and many more who participated in the league. It's been a huge success with the players, coaches, and parents this year and we plan on improving it next year and potentially expanding it.

Instructors Course - May 2015 Ottawa

The Instructor's Course ran over 2 full weekends in May at the OAC and trained 28 participants to deliver engaging progressive tennis lessons to kids.  These candidates were all evaluated on their demonstration, organization and playing ability and hope to become certified as level 1 instructors. The Instructors Course was delivered by Arthur Cuenco and John Wins-Purdy.  

The TPA also ran a summer camps workshop at the OAC which was attended by 41 coaches and Instructors from across the region.  Andy Sutton, Head Course Facilitator for the OTA was very energetic and passionate as he helped everyone brush up on their abilities to run fun sessions to a variety of different skill levels and groups sizes.

Kunstadt Sport's May 16th Members' Appreciation Day

19th Annual Kunstadt Open

Location: Glen Cairn Tennis Club
Date: August 5th - 9th 2015
Register by: August 3rd, 6pm

Elmridge Park Tennis Club News

With our May 12 season opener and AGM, we're thrilled to be welcoming back long time members as well as new members, but we're also pleased to announce several events which are open to the broader tennis community:

May 30th: We will host our 3rd Annual Kids' Tennis Fair. We'll supply the kid-size nets, racquets and balls, the NCTA/OTA Smash Cage and a kid friendly environment. The kids will supply the fun!
June 16: Word of our summer barbecues has been spreading over the last several years. Anyone who has attended one of these feasts knows that we're not talking about your standard hamburger and sausage fare. This year theme is "Jamaican Me Hungry." Chef Paul Kirijian promises Caribbean jerk chicken, red bean rice, mango chutney, lime coleslaw and a Millefeuilles pineapple desert. This event is open to the general public but we fully expect it to sell out so be sure to check the Elmridge website for information on tickets.
Rogers Rookie Tour: Elmridge will be hosting 2 Rogers Rookie Tour Tournaments for U8 and U12 on the weekends of July 18 & 19 and August 1 & 2.
Information on these events and lots more is available at

Valleystream Tennis Club

3412 Richmond Road - less than 1 km west of Bayshore Shopping Centre

Courts are now open for the season!!! The Club has 4 floodlit courts and is easily accessible from the neighbourhood.  Select "Valleystream Tennis Club" from "Programs and Activities" on the community website for more information, or to download a 2015 registration form.
Registration forms can be dropped off anytime at 8 Brian Cresc.; or at the tennis club until June 30 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 6pm-8pm or Saturdays 9am–noon (weather permitting – if it’s raining, the courts are closed)
See you on the courts!!!

Capital Kids Registration

Capital Kids began registration on March 21st and has received over 750 registrations in the past 6 weeks. Tanglewood Park and Judge Park have received over 160 registrations each and the spots for session one and two are almost full at these two locations.  In order to boost the registration at Rivierain Park and Sheffield Glen Park, the Capital Kids tennis team has placed advertisements on Facebook and Kijiji, and sent flyers out to the neighbourhoods near these two locations through Canada Post. We've seen the registration go up in the last few days and we are expecting to receive more applications for all of our seven locations every day. The 750 registrations we've received are just for the May and June sessions. We will open the registration for July and August on May 15th.  We look forward to introducing the sport of tennis to many Ottawa kids this year and we are half way to achieving our goal - 1200 registrations in total to join the Capital Kids in 2015!  For more information please visit