Manotick Tennis Club Introduces Court Booking Software

In the winter of 2014, the Manotick Tennis Club (MTC) implemented an online system to automate membership and program registration, and to replace the chalkboard used to book their six courts.  By the registration weekend in April 2014, the system was all ready to go.  It was used throughout the 2014 season and got rave reviews by the membership.  In fact, at the MTC Annual General Meeting in October 2014, members who attended made a point of saying how much they loved the system, and how it had really made their experience more enjoyable given the ease to book courts, sign up for ladders, sign up for tournaments, etc. 

This and the improved web site have been very well received.
The online system that the MTC chose is called Jegysoft.  It is a password secure platform that is accessible 24/7 from any web connected device (including smartphones) to authorized club staff, club members and non-members (e.g. parents registering children for camps).  Members and registrants are able to update their account records, apply for new club memberships, renew existing seasonal memberships and fees, and view and register for all Club offered programs, lessons and camps online.  MTC has configured its system to accept online credit card payments, which makes registration even easier for both new and renewing members.  If you would like more information you can email
What else can the system do?  There are optional modules to manage all leagues and ladders, NTRP based game matching, plus online management of Court Booking.  The Club can decide what its court booking rules are, e.g. how many courts a member can have booked at any one time, or what rules there are for prime time courts versus non-prime time courts.  Block booking is possible for administrators to book weekly clinics etc.
In the 2015 season the MTC is tweaking some system functionality, for example it is adding a doubles ladder.  The system is also being used by the Tony Milo Tennis Academy for the lessons and programs that it will be running out of the MTC for the first time in 2015. 
If you have any questions about MTC’s experience with the system please feel free to contact any of the MTC executives.